In this post we will show how to use OpenDJ ldap server to authenticate user on an ubuntu workstation. OpenDJ setup I will assume that you already have an OpenDJ server running. If not please, have a look at the OpenDJ instalation guide . PosixAccount and posixGroup One important step before setting up ubuntu is to add the ldap user, you want to allows on the workstation, to the auxiliary objectClass posixAccount and posixGroup . It can easilly be done through the OpenDJ control-panel, in the Manage Entries section of the Directory Data . You will need to set the field uidNumber , gidNumber and the homeDirectory . They must contains respectively the user id number, the group id number and the user home directory path. For example: uidNumber = 1100 uidNumber = 1100 homeDirectory = / home / foo If you don't add those objectclass to your ldap user, he won't be able to be authentified on the workstation. If that the case, you will likely have a log sayin...