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Showing posts from September, 2015

Ubuntu Ldap auth with an OpenDJ server

In this post we will show how to use OpenDJ ldap server to authenticate user on an ubuntu workstation. OpenDJ setup I will assume that you already have an OpenDJ server running. If not please, have a look at the OpenDJ instalation guide . PosixAccount and posixGroup One important step before setting up ubuntu is to add the ldap user, you want to allows on the workstation, to the auxiliary objectClass posixAccount and posixGroup . It can easilly be done through the OpenDJ control-panel, in the Manage Entries section of the Directory Data . You will need to set the field uidNumber , gidNumber and the homeDirectory . They must contains respectively the user id number, the group id number and the user home directory path. For example: uidNumber = 1100 uidNumber = 1100 homeDirectory = / home / foo If you don't add those objectclass to your ldap user, he won't be able to be authentified on the workstation. If that the case, you will likely have a log sayin...